Our rules are quite strict. You should take care of all these rules carefully before using our call girls. Our rules are for every person, whether he is a high profile person or a VIP, our rules and regulations are the same for everyone.
You should behave nicely with our call girls so that our call girls can support you in making you happy.
You cannot assault our call girls. If you do this then we can take action against you.
You cannot take selfies and videos with our call girls unless she gives permission.
You cannot misbehave with the internal parts of our call girls.
You cannot put dental marks on the cheek of our call girl, we are strongly against it.
Our escort agency is not available exclusively to people under 18 years of age.
Minor boys please watch videos on YouTube to see something new done for India so that our country can progress a lot. Minors should try to leave our site as soon as possible.
Before booking a call girl for yourself from our escorts agency, go through our terms and conditions. Some of our own rules have been made which it is mandatory for people to follow. Rule Follow